Why network?

Red Muma
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By cooperating through a network, the group generates synergy - a result greater than the simple sum of the individual elements. We take advantage of and maximize the positive qualities of each of the network's elements, their strengths are replicated by other members; weaknesses are diminished thanks to the other members' strengths. Working as a network lends legitimacy to the activities; resulting in improved outcomes through a process of collective creativity, various differing viewpoints are considered, diverse experiences are drawn upon, and most important of all, because the collective decisions are made through agreements and consensus they are therefore more likely to be achieved. Another result is that with more people and organizations working together, it is possible to gather together more and better information, resulting in access to more and better opportunities. Within a network not everyone is equal, they don't even have the same goals or objectives. A network is simply a group of diverse participants. By working as a network, museums can connect to other organizations with complementary tasks. Solitary work is often frustrating and boring, and can dishearten even the most enthusiastic of individuals. Working as a network generates a common space to share achievements, ideas and uncertainties and this is also the foundation of any cooperative effort.

Red Muma

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Materias: Institucional
Palabras clave: Red Muma
Red Muma